This Terms of Service Agreement (this "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between you, as a User (as defined below), and PaymentEvolution Corporation, a Canadian federal corporation, and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, "PaymentEvolution" or "PE"). This Agreement contains the terms and conditions that govern the use of PaymentEvolution's software and services (the "Platform"). PaymentEvolution directly, and through its website ( and the associated domains thereof (the "Site"), offers customers the products and services listed at (as such list may be updated, modified, or otherwise changed from time to time, collectively, the "Services"). Products and services may also be offered by authorized Resellers of PaymentEvolution. Your use of PaymentEvolution services is governed by this agreement whether directly through PaymentEvolution or indirectly through an authorized Reseller. An authorized Reseller may provide additional terms of agreement and in any case where terms conflict, this Agreement will take precedence.
This Agreement is applicable to all persons who use or access the Platform and/or the Services, in their company's capacity or in an individual capacity, including authorized users representing the company, its employees, or other persons using or accessing the Services (collectively, "Users" and each, a "User"). If User is agreeing to these terms on behalf of a business or an individual other than User, User represents and warrants that User has authority to bind that business or other individual to this Agreement, and User's acceptance of these terms will be treated as the agreement of such business or individual. In that event, "User" also refers to that business or individual. By clicking the applicable button to indicate User's acceptance of this Agreement, or by accessing or using the Platform, User agrees, effective as of the date of such action, to be bound by the Agreement.
You may not access the PaymentEvolution services if you are our direct competitor (as deemed by PaymentEvolution), except with our prior written consent. In addition, You may not access our services for purposes of monitoring its availability, performance or for any other benchmarking or competitive purposes.
This Agreement was last updated on January 29, 2021. It is effective between You and PaymentEvolution Corporation as of the date of your acceptance of this Agreement
The provision of any Service is subject to the terms of this Agreement and any supplemental terms referenced herein or which may be presented to the User with review and acceptance at the time User subscribes to such Service (each, "Service Terms"), and any Service Terms shall be incorporated into and form a part of this Agreement. If the terms hereof conflict with any Service Terms, the Service Terms will govern with respect to the matters contemplated thereby.
In order to receive any Service, User must be enrolled in one of the following plans (each, a "Service Plan"), each of which is governed by the Service Terms listed next to such Service Plan and incorporated herein by reference, as applicable to User. User accepts the Service Terms listed next to the Service Plan which coincides with User's Plan Selection (as defined below) or Service Plan access by (i) clicking the applicable button to indicate User's Service Plan choice (the "Plan Selection"); (ii) clicking the applicable button to indicate User's acceptance of this Agreement (in the event that User is already enrolled in a Service Plan); or (iii) accessing or using the Services. By taking any of the aforementioned actions, User agrees to be bound by the applicable Service Terms as of the time that such action occurs.
These Payroll Terms are "Service Terms" under the PaymentEvolution Terms. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in these Payroll Terms shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the PaymentEvolution Terms. The Payroll Agreement is a legally binding agreement between User and PaymentEvolution. User is encouraged to read the Payroll Agreement carefully and to save a copy of it for User's records. If User is agreeing to these Payroll Terms on behalf of a business or an individual other than User, User represents and warrants that User has authority to bind that business or other individual to the Payroll Agreement, and User's agreement to these terms will be treated as the agreement of such business or individual. In that event, "User" (as defined in the PaymentEvolution Terms) also refers to that business or individual. By (i) clicking the applicable button to indicate User's Service Plan choice, (ii) clicking the applicable button to indicate User's acceptance of the Payroll Agreement, or (iii) accessing or using the Payroll Service, User accepts the Payroll Agreement, and User agrees, effective as of the date of such action, to be bound by the Payroll Agreement.
Subject to the terms and conditions of the Payroll Agreement, PaymentEvolution agrees to use reasonable efforts to provide User with the Payroll Service in accordance with the Payroll Agreement.
In addition to the obligations specified in these Payroll Terms, User has certain obligations under the PaymentEvolution Terms, including but not limited to obligations to (i) designate an Account Administrator; (ii) be responsible for actions taken under User's Account; (iii) follow instructions that PaymentEvolution provides to User with respect to the Payroll Service; (iv) provide accurate, timely, and complete information required for PaymentEvolution to perform the Payroll Service and maintain the accuracy and completeness of such information; (v) notify PaymentEvolution of third-party notices, such as Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA") penalty notices, which could affect PaymentEvolution's ability to effectively provide the Payroll Service or which could increase the likelihood that a Claim is brought against User or PaymentEvolution in connection with the Payroll Service; and (vi) refrain from taking certain prohibited actions, as described in further detail in Section User Accounts and Responsibility and Section General Provisions of the PaymentEvolution Terms.
These PayChequer Terms are "Service Terms" under the PaymentEvolution Terms. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in these PayChequer Terms shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the PaymentEvolution Terms. The PayChequer Agreement is a legally binding agreement between User and PaymentEvolution. User is encouraged to read the PayChequer Agreement carefully and to save a copy of it for User's records. If User is agreeing to these PayChequer Terms on behalf of a business or an individual other than User, User represents and warrants that User has authority to bind that business or other individual to the PayChequer Agreement, and User's agreement to these terms will be treated as the agreement of such business or individual. In that event, "User" (as defined in the PaymentEvolution Terms) also refers to that business or individual. By (i) clicking the applicable button to indicate User's Service Plan choice, (ii) clicking the applicable button to indicate User's acceptance of the PayChequer Agreement, or (iii) accessing or using the PayChequer Service, User accepts the PayChequer Agreement, and User agrees, effective as of the date of such action, to be bound by the PayChequer Agreement.
Subject to the terms and conditions of the PayChequer Agreement, PaymentEvolution agrees to use reasonable efforts to provide User with the PayChequer Service in accordance with the PayChequer Agreement.
In addition to the obligations specified in these PayChequer Terms, User has certain obligations under the PaymentEvolution Terms, including but not limited to obligations to (i) designate an Account Administrator; (ii) be responsible for actions taken under User's Account; (iii) follow instructions that PaymentEvolution provides to User with respect to the PayChequer Service; (iv) provide accurate, timely, and complete information required for PaymentEvolution to perform the PayChequer Service and maintain the accuracy and completeness of such information; (v) notify PaymentEvolution of third-party notices, such as Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA") penalty notices, which could affect PaymentEvolution's ability to effectively provide the PayChequer Service or which could increase the likelihood that a Claim is brought against User or PaymentEvolution in connection with the PayChequer Service; and (vi) refrain from taking certain prohibited actions, as described in further detail in Section User Accounts and Responsibility and Section General Provisions of the PaymentEvolution Terms.
These Business Payments Terms are "Service Terms" under the PaymentEvolution Terms. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in these Business Payments Terms shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the PaymentEvolution Terms. The Business Payments Agreement is a legally binding agreement between User and PaymentEvolution. User is encouraged to read the Business Payments Agreement carefully and to save a copy of it for User's records. If User is agreeing to these Business Payments Terms on behalf of a business or an individual other than User, User represents and warrants that User has authority to bind that business or other individual to the Business Payments Agreement, and User's agreement to these terms will be treated as the agreement of such business or individual. In that event, "User" (as defined in the PaymentEvolution Terms) also refers to that business or individual. By (i) clicking the applicable button to indicate User's Service Plan choice, (ii) clicking the applicable button to indicate User's acceptance of the Business Payments Agreement, or (iii) accessing or using the Business Payments Service, User accepts the Business Payments Agreement, and User agrees, effective as of the date of such action, to be bound by the Business Payments Agreement.
Subject to the terms and conditions of the Business Payments Agreement, PaymentEvolution agrees to use reasonable efforts to provide User with the Business Payments Service in accordance with the Business Payments Agreement.
In addition to the obligations specified in these Business Payments Terms, User has certain obligations under the PaymentEvolution Terms, including but not limited to obligations to (i) designate an Account Administrator; (ii) be responsible for actions taken under User's Account; (iii) follow instructions that PaymentEvolution provides to User with respect to the Business Payments Service; (iv) provide accurate, timely, and complete information required for PaymentEvolution to perform the Business Payments Service and maintain the accuracy and completeness of such information; (v) notify PaymentEvolution of third-party notices, such as Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA") penalty notices, which could affect PaymentEvolution's ability to effectively provide the Business Payments Service or which could increase the likelihood that a Claim is brought against User or PaymentEvolution in connection with the Business Payments Service; and (vi) refrain from taking certain prohibited actions, as described in further detail in Section User Accounts and Responsibility and Section General Provisions of the PaymentEvolution Terms.
These Benefits Service Terms are "Benefits Service Terms" under the PaymentEvolution Terms. PaymentEvolution agrees to assist User to find, select and manage one or more insurance plans (the "Insurance Plan" and collectively, the "Insurance Plans") offered by insurance companies (the "Benefits Provider and collectively, the "Benefits Providers" provided by the PaymentEvolution Service. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in these Benefits Service Terms shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the PaymentEvolution Terms. The Benefits Services Agreement is a legally binding agreement between User and PaymentEvolution. User is encouraged to read the Benefits Service Agreement carefully and to save a copy of it for User's records. If User is agreeing to these Benefits Service Terms on behalf of a business or an individual other than User, User represents and warrants that User has authority to bind that business or other individual to the Benefits Service Agreement, and User's agreement to these terms will be treated as the agreement of such business or individual. In that event, "User" (as defined in the PaymentEvolution Terms) also refers to that business or individual.
Subject to the terms and conditions of the Benefits Service Agreement, PaymentEvolution agrees to use reasonable efforts to provide User with the Benefits Service in accordance with the Benefits Service Agreement.
In addition to the obligations specified in these Benefits Service Terms, User has certain obligations under the PaymentEvolution Terms, including but not limited to obligations to (i) designate an Account Administrator; (ii) be responsible for actions taken under User's Account; (iii) follow instructions that PaymentEvolution provides to User with respect to the Benefits Service; (iv) provide accurate, timely, and complete information required for PaymentEvolution to perform the Benefits Service and maintain the accuracy and completeness of such information; (v) notify PaymentEvolution of third-party notices, such as Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA") penalty notices, which could affect PaymentEvolution's ability to effectively provide the Benefits Service or which could increase the likelihood that a Claim is brought against User or PaymentEvolution in connection with the Benefits Service; and (vi) refrain from taking certain prohibited actions, as described in further detail in Section User Accounts and Responsibility and Section General Provisions of the PaymentEvolution Terms.
These HX Service Terms are "HX Service Terms" under the PaymentEvolution Terms. PaymentEvolution agrees to assist User with human resource issues affecting their workplace on a consultative basis. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in these HX Service Terms shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the PaymentEvolution Terms. The HX Services Agreement is a legally binding agreement between User and PaymentEvolution. User is encouraged to read the HX Service Agreement carefully and to save a copy of it for User's records. If User is agreeing to these HX Service Terms on behalf of a business or an individual other than User, User represents and warrants that User has authority to bind that business or other individual to the HX Service Agreement, and User's agreement to these terms will be treated as the agreement of such business or individual. In that event, "User" (as defined in the PaymentEvolution Terms) also refers to that business or individual. By (i) clicking the applicable button to indicate User's Service Plan choice, (ii) clicking the applicable button to indicate User's acceptance of the HX Service Agreement, or (iii) accessing or using the HX Service, User accepts the HX Service Agreement, and User agrees, effective as of the date of such action, to be bound by the HX Service Agreement.
Subject to the terms and conditions of the HX Service Agreement, PaymentEvolution agrees to use reasonable efforts to provide User with the HX Service in accordance with the HX Service Agreement.
In addition to the obligations specified in these HX Service Terms, User has certain obligations under the PaymentEvolution Terms, including but not limited to obligations to (i) designate an Account Administrator; (ii) be responsible for actions taken under User's Account; (iii) follow instructions that PaymentEvolution provides to User with respect to the HX Service; (iv) provide accurate, timely, and complete information required for PaymentEvolution to perform the HX Service and maintain the accuracy and completeness of such information; (v) notify PaymentEvolution of third-party notices, such as provincial / territorial notices from administrators of a respective employment standards, which could affect PaymentEvolution's ability to effectively provide the HX Service or which could increase the likelihood that a Claim is brought against User or PaymentEvolution in connection with the HX Service; and (vi) refrain from taking certain prohibited actions, as described in further detail in Section User Accounts and Responsibility and Section General Provisions of the PaymentEvolution Terms.
This HX Service agreement is part of the general terms for PaymentEvolution services.
These API Service Terms are "API Service Terms" under the PaymentEvolution Terms. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in these API Service Terms shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the PaymentEvolution Terms. This API Service Agreement is a legally binding agreement between User and PaymentEvolution. User is encouraged to read the API Service Agreement carefully and to save a copy of it for User's records. If User is agreeing to these API Service Terms on behalf of a business or an individual other than User, User represents and warrants that User has authority to bind that business or other individual to the API Service Agreement, and User's agreement to these terms will be treated as the agreement of such business or individual. By (i) clicking the applicable button to indicate User's Service Plan choice, (ii) clicking the applicable button to indicate User's acceptance of the API Service Agreement, or (iii) accessing or using the API Service, User accepts the API Service Agreement, and User agrees, effective as of the date of such action, to be bound by the API Service Agreement.
By registering a softwaer application, webiste, or product or service you offer (an Application) with PaymentEvolution, you acknowledge that you currently have a valid subscription in good standing with PaymentEvolution, and have understood and agree to be bound by these API Service Terms.
PaymentEvolution makes APIs available to developers as follows:
Self-Serve API Program>: where you can develop Applications using APIs that are available to you immediately upon registation for an API key if you meet the Self-Serve API Program eligibility criteria below and have agreed to these API Service Terms; and
Authorized API Program: where you can develop Applications using APIs that are available only to developers that meet the applicable Authorized API Program eligibility criteria and have agreed to these API Service Terms and any additional Authorized API Program terms and conditions (Addiitonal Terms) which are incorporated by reference into the API Service Terms.
With respect to the Authorized API Program, these API Service Terms shall apply except where there is conflict with the applicable Additional Terms, in which case such Additional Terms shall control.
These API Service Terms shall apply to any use of our APIs unless you have executed a separate signed partnership agreement, in which case that agreement shall apply (Partner Program).
As used in these API Service Terms, APIs means programmatic web application programming interfaces, software and other functionality and their associated tools and documentation that PaymentEvolution makes available.
Your use of any of our APIs and display of Content in your Application must comply with the technical documentation, usage guidelines, call volume limits, and other documentation maintained at the Developer Site or otherwise made available to you (together, the Developer Documentation, which are expressly incorporated into these API Service Terms by reference). Content means any data or content from our Services or accessed via the APIs. Services means, PaymentEvolution-branded apps, PayChequer, EVOLV and other PaymentEvolution-related sites, apps, communications and services and technology related thereto.
In the event of any conflict between the Developer Documentation and these API Service Terms, these API Service Terms shall control.
In addition to your compliance with the other requirements and obligations set forth in these API Service Terms, you may participate in the Self-Serve API Program and display Content retrieved via the applicable APIs in your Application if:
If your Application does not satisfy the above eligibility criteria, you may be eligible for an Authorized API Program or a Partner Program.
In addition to the other terms and conditions in these API Service Terms, except as expressly set forth herein, you agree not to do the following:
Security Measures: Your network, operating system and the software of your web servers, databases, and computer systems (collectively, Systems) must be properly configured to securely operate your Application and process Content. If requested, you must complete PaymentEvolution's security questionnaire. You must promptly report any security deficiencies in, or intrusions to, your Systems that you discover (or are reported publicly or to you) to PaymentEvolution in writing via email to or subsequent contact information posted on the Developer Site if such intrusions could reasonably be expected to affect the Content, PaymentEvolution or its Members in any way. You will work with PaymentEvolution to immediately correct any security deficiency, and will immediately disconnect any intrusions or intruders. In the event of any security deficiency or intrusion involving the Application, APIs or Content, you will make no public statements (e.g., press, blogs, social media, bulletin boards, etc.) without prior written and express permission from PaymentEvolution in each instance.
Monitoring: You will provide us with up to two full-feature client account-level instances to access your Application (and/or other materials relating to your use of the APIs and/or the Content) as reasonably requested by us to verify your compliance with these API Service Terms (including, in particular, your security and privacy obligations under these API Service Terms). You also agree to assist PaymentEvolution in verifying your compliance with these API Service Terms by providing us with information about your Application and storage of Content, which may include access to your Application and other materials or Systems related to your use of the APIs. If you do not demonstrate full compliance with these API Service Terms, as determined in our sole discretion, we may restrict or terminate your access to the APIs. You acknowledge that PaymentEvolution may monitor any API activity from its own systems for the purpose of ensuring quality, improving PaymentEvolution products and Services, and ensuring compliance with these API Service Terms. You must not interfere or attempt to interfere with such monitoring or otherwise obscure from PaymentEvolution your API activity. PaymentEvolution may use any technical means to overcome such interference.
Support: We may provide you with support for the APIs in our sole discretion and we may stop providing support to you at any time without notice or liability to you. We are not obliged to provide any training, support or technical assistance for the Application, the Content, or the APIs directly to your Application users and you agree to communicate to your Application users that you (and not PaymentEvolution) are responsible for any such support.
Updates: We may modify or release subsequent versions of the APIs and require that you use those subsequent versions. Unless we release a new version of the APIs for security or legal reasons, you will have a reasonable amount of notice (as determined by us) to migrate to subsequent versions of the APIs. You acknowledge that once PaymentEvolution releases a subsequent version of an API, the prior version of such API may stop working at any time or may no longer work in the same manner. Your continued use of the APIs following a subsequent release will be deemed your acceptance of modifications.
We own all rights, title, and interest in and to the (a) APIs, and all elements, components, and executables of the APIs, (b) Content; (c) Services; and (d) Member Data (clauses (a)-(d) collectively, the PaymentEvolution Materials), and, subject to the foregoing, you own all rights, title, and interest in and to the Application. Except to the limited extent expressly provided in these API Service Terms, neither party grants, nor shall the other party acquire, any right, title or interest (including any implied license) in or to any property of the first party under these API Service Terms. All rights not expressly granted in these API Service Terms are withheld.
For the Duration you grant us a paid-up, royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable right and license, under all of your intellectual property rights, to: (a) use, perform, and display your Application and its content for purposes of marketing, demonstrating, and answering inquiries; and (b) link to and direct Members to your Application;
The duration of these API Service Terms (the "Duration") will be from the date upon which you agree to these API Service Terms and will continue until terminated as set forth below.
You may terminate these API Service Terms by discontinuing use of our APIs.
We may suspend or terminate your use of all or any of the APIs or Content at any time if we believe you have violated these API Service Terms, or, in our sole discretion, we believe the availability of the APIs in your Application is not in our or our Members' best interests. We may discontinue the availability of some or all of the APIs or any Content at any time for any reason. We shall provide you with 30 days notice unless we discontinue such availability to protect the security or integrity of the APIs and related offerings, to address user security or user privacy issues, for legal compliance reasons, or to the extent necessary to mitigate damages in relation to third party litigation. We may also impose limits on certain features and services or restrict your access to some or all of the APIs, Content or our Services. Although we will endeavor to provide prior notice of our exercise of our rights pursuant to this Section, it may not be practical or commercially reasonable in all circumstances. Accordingly, all of our rights in these API Service Terms may be exercised without prior notice or liability to you.
Either party may terminate these API Service Terms: (a) if the other party files a voluntary petition for bankruptcy or a petition or answer seeking a reorganization; (b) if the other party has filed against it an involuntary petition for bankruptcy that has not been dismissed within 60 days thereof; (c) if the other party becomes insolvent, admits in writing its inability to pay its debts as they mature, or makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors; (d) if the other party applies for or consents to the appointment of a receiver, trustee or liquidator for substantially all of its assets or such receiver, trustee or liquidator is appointed for the other party; or (e) upon the occurrence of a material breach of these API Service Terms by the other party, if such breach is not cured within 10 days after written notice identifying the matter constituting the material breach is provided by the non-breaching party.
Effect of Termination: Upon termination of these API Service Terms: (a) all licenses granted under these API Service Terms will terminate immediately; (b) upon request, each party will promptly return to the other party or delete all tangible embodiments of confidential information of such party in its possession, custody or control; (c) you will comply with the requirements to delete stored Content; and (d) PaymentEvolution will make commercially reasonable efforts to remove all references and links to your Application from the Services (PaymentEvolution has no other obligation to delete copies of, references to, or links to your Application). Notwithstanding the above, each party may retain a copy of these API Service Terms and such other confidential information of the other party as reasonably required for legal and auditing purposes. PaymentEvolution may request that you certify in writing your compliance with this Section.